Many companies equip offices with playstations, table tennis, billiards and other fun indoor games to boost employee productivity and creativity. However, not every company has the luxury of space or funds for all these perks. Instead, try use existing office equipment to shake up the office and have some fun. Start with your office whiteboard. Listed here are four interesting things you can do with the mobile whiteboard that’s already in your office.
1. Play a directions game
One fun activity that you can play using a whiteboard is a direction game. In this game one person is blindfolded while another person draws a dot pattern on the whiteboard. The blindfolded person is then directed by everyone else on how to connect the dots to complete the diagram.
Read more – Easy Maintenance Tips Of Your Whiteboard
2. Play Hangman
Another fun game which almost all of us have played in school is Hangman. It’s a word guessing game that involves two or more players (or teams). Players need to guess the letters in a word before it’s too late. With every right guess, they move an inch closer to the word provided by the opponent team.
Read more – 6 Factors To Consider When Looking For An Office Whiteboard
3. Play Jeopardy
One of the most popular game shows on television, Jeopardy let’s employees showcase their knowledge. Divide the whiteboard into columns, designate spots for the two categories of vocabulary and point value rows. Divide the employees into two teams, and let the teams select a category and point value. Give the players some clue or definition, and don’t forget to give their answer in the form of a question.
Read more – No More Horror Stories: Avoid and Remove Whiteboard Ghosting.
4. Have a drawing race
Players need to race to be the first one to draw a picture of the sentence you write on the whiteboard. It’s a team game where each member gets to draw only one object mentioned in the sentence, and then pass on the marker to the next member on the team.
Read more – 4 Effective Ways to Use a Mobile Glass Whiteboard in Your Home Office
Last Few Words
These are just a few ideas on how to engage your employees using a whiteboard. The possibility for fun with a whiteboard is limitless, these simple games not only help reduce employees’ stress, but also boost performance and concentration. If you are looking for innovative office furniture and equipment that can help promote collaboration, creativity and fun, take a look at Merge Works. To learn about our products, give us a call at 210-988-6768 or complete our contact form.